Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Writers Block

After a week, and then some, of not posting I'm at a loss of what to post. I either have too many ideas or too few in my head. So, maybe posting nothing will result in something coming into my head.

What's your favorite thing to do with your kids while daddy is at work?


becki said...

i would have to say sleep, eat, and sit on my butt.
ok, that's only on monday, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday.
but i do like to take them to the park, and go on playdates, and rylei loves to put puzzles together and color.

Emily said...

I love to venture around Hobby Lobby, go to the park, take walks, go to the library, head to the mall, make cookies, paint with water (on the sidewalk), sprinklers, dance in the living room to disco, make movies with the video camera, water our flower garden, pick out a treasure at the 99 cent store, etc etc etc...

What do you like to do?

-Laura- said...

I like it when we all take naps!

But on a more creative note I love reading books with Janelle, playing with legos, trips to the park, playing peek-a-boo with Spencer, playing the "ABC" game with M&Ms (a game Janelle and I made up to help her learn them better), walks, and snuggling on the couch with Janelle to watch "7th Heaven" (I know, it's weird, but she loves that show!).