Monday, September 29, 2008

Live and Learn

I am nervous even to type these words. I'm scared to make the committment of doing this again. I fear to fail. I want to use this blog as an outlet for me. I look around and see so many well written blogs and feel the competitive drive in myself gear up and then I want to quit. I do not know why I would rather not try then try and fail, but that's honest. That's me. That's where I am. I can acknowledge that and I can go from there.

So here's to posting about our life through a blog for personal history purposes. My goal is to make a small update every day for one week.

1 comment:

Glenda said...

Hey Sister! Who gives a hoot what anyone else says?! This is for you & you should use it the way you want to use it.

If you feel competitive or self-conscious, just make it private.

Whatever you do, in any frame or aspect of your life, don't let failure or fear stop you from fulfilling your goals. You're too valuable and have too much to offer this world to let fear stop you!

Besides ... failure adds character and spice to life!! Trust me, I'm LONG on character!! ;)