Friday, April 27, 2007

Our Alpha Wolf

Each week at Slaughter Elementary a student is chosen from each class to be the Alpha Wolf of the class. Gillian is so excited to be recognized that she's just been waiting since October for her next 'turn' at this special award. Today she was chosen Alpha Wolf and we didn't tell her that's why we were there, she was so thrilled.

My little baby has grown up so very much in the last year. I'm so proud of the girl that she is, she's so helpful, thoughtful, caring, considerate, and she's learning so well. She adores being in school and her teacher just loves having her. She seems to bring a lot of joy to others in her class as well. She makes me so proud and I am overwhelmed at how good she truly is, and I know that is not completely our doing, but that she is truly a divine daughter of Heavenly Father.

Way to go Gillian!!! We love you!!! We're so proud of you!!

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