Sunday, February 18, 2007

Babies are like Animals

I'm not sure when I got it into my head, but at some point I really began to think having a baby was like having a pet. Or having several small children was like having a zoo and in some moments it seems more especially true. For example, when you bring your baby home from the hospital and every time they cry you think that there's a baby Pteranodon in your home.

I took this picture of Cora on February 7, 2007. This is Cora's baby sea lion impression. The sound that goes with it is just phenomenal and every time she does it I just crack up inside as all I can see in my mind's eye is a baby sea lion laying there on the ice whining for it's mother.

1 comment:

becki said...

Regan likes to growl, so she could be any number of animals. I think it's our dog, sadies, growl that she's copying, but you never know.