Thursday, February 1, 2007

Playmates by Necessity

Look! I can pick on her and not only does she let me, she doesn't even complain! Wow!

No, this is how you play with it Cora!

Hmmm, I remember this toy. I like it so much that I think I'll just play with it for Cora.

Liam and Cora are beginning to understand one another. In fact, they've already begun picking on each other! At the grocery store this week Liam fell asleep in the front seat of the dual stroller and Cora had so much fun playing with his hair. She was giggling up a storm, as if she knew that it was a good oppurtunity for her to get back at him. LOL.

For his role in prior and current schemes he usually chooses that of 'Teaser'. Yep, that's Liam. "Look Cora a car." As soon as she reaches toward it he pulls it away from her.

He also has begun deciding which toys are most worthy of his sister's attention. She's taken quite well to a tiny stuffed bunny that belongs to an outfit of hers. When Liam sees her playing with it he takes it, throws it, and hands her something else, usually the jingle ball, which he seems to feel is better for her.

They do make you laugh at times, don't they?

Liam has become quite a sweetheart though. And over the course of the holidays he almost gave up tantrums entirely. It was a daily battle until then, but something suddenly clicked and he just gave it up. I have no clue why, I think it was the added personal attention from Oma, sister, and mama and papa, but I'm not sure. He's gotten to be a pretty good helper at times. However, like all small children, don't send him to fetch something, as he will most definitely NOT find it.

Cora is still such a sweet baby and just loves to look at you and smile and giggle happily. She loves music, even more so than Liam, who loved is even more than Gillian as a baby. She begins to 'sing' when she hears her mobile, but only to 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'. :D Yesterday she begun tapping her head to the beat of Eensy Weensy Spider, being played by her toy which Liam was swinging above her head and singing alone to.

Cora's is now getting up on her knees and rocking, which is very exciting and a little bit scary. Only if because I know the work that will bring. But it is enthralling to watch them grow, isn't it? She does manage to get around the room though, via rolling. Rolling here there and everywhere. She really dislikes the scratchy brick fireplace (mom doesn't like it much either). Aside from that, she's constantly searching for treasures which might be choking hazards.

Cora was born mad, and it is her easiest emotion to reach I believe. She doesn't spend a lot of time mad, but when she's upset, you know it!! Here's a picture of Cora having had enough and ready for a nap.

1 comment:

becki said...

wow!!! looks like this took a long time to do. How did you do it? you'll have to show me how you get the pics on the side like that.
love cora's mad look